Who Helped Us?

 Who Helped Us?

Hey, and welcome back to my blog! Thank you all for tuning in, and I hope you're having a great day. Today, I'll be speaking about what family members and friends helped me and Luis with our project. Even though we did most of this project by ourself, we still required help from friends and family at times.

To begin, my mother provided me with a mobile phone tripod like the one above. It wasn't too expensive, but being a 16 year old I appreciate any help that I can get! We needed this in order to decrease camera shake and make the shots more stable. Without it, every slight movement from who was holding the camera made the shot completely unusable. It was especially helpful for handheld shots, as it made following Luis with the camera far easier.

Next, our friend and fellow Everglades student Luke provided us with his home for one day of filming. He has an absolutely massive and beautiful home that we thought we make a great location for filming. He also has a home gym with much more equipment for our training montage. However, it didn't make the final cut as we found it didn't really fit the aesthetic that we were going for. Me and Luis's houses are much smaller, so we opted to film at Luis's home and also around his community.


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